How to Have Faith in Christ Amid Crisis
Africans are no strangers to cruel poverty, failing economies and rampant corruption. So crisis is common, but it’s an opportunity for faith.
Africans are no strangers to cruel poverty, failing economies and rampant corruption. So crisis is common, but it’s an opportunity for faith.
Thomas made mistakes when leaving the church he was serving in ministry? In God’s providence, these have become lessons for others.
Becoming a mom brings a host of new challenges. It’s both a blessing and a pitched battle. So learn from another mom who’s gone ahead.
Marriage is a glorious gift. But it isn’t without difficulties. Many of these only become apparent to newlyweds, regardless of marriage prep.
We tend to contrast secular and Christian jobs. This distinction has many problems. One of them is its dismissal of God’s providence.
Is your Church spiritually healthy? The engine behind spiritual health and the fuel that keeps it running is simple but profound.
Most Christians have been exhorted to be “in the world, but not of the world.” But is this saying biblical? What does it mean? And what might it look like?
Part of Christian growth and maturity is learning from your mistakes; in this article a pastor shares 10 that he made when learning to pray.
Who will spread the fragrance of hope? Who will declare God’s glory throughout the nations? Now is your time. So arise, oh Africa.
Esther’s intervention for the Jewish people mirrors Christ’s intervention for all of God’s people. He gave himself for those far from God.
Just as Esther identified with her people to help them, the Son of God became human in every way so that he could identify with and save us.
We’re born saddled by spiritual death. We need a Saviour from outside ourselves to reconcile us to God. In this way, Esther pictures Christ.
The book of Esther invites us to see that God can and does work in the real mess and moral ambiguity of human history.
Africans are no strangers to cruel poverty, failing economies and rampant corruption. So crisis is common, but it’s an opportunity for faith.
Most turn to social media to express their emotions. But Christians have better places to turn: prayer and community. Why not use them?
As a young Christian, Pamela didn’t associate listening to the Spirit of God with the word of God. This isn’t uncommon. And it’s dangerous.
Most Christians have heard the acronym ACTS for prayer, among others. But these tend to miss how the words of the Bible can shape our prayers.
Thomas made mistakes when leaving the church he was serving in ministry? In God’s providence, these have become lessons for others.
Becoming a mom brings a host of new challenges. It’s both a blessing and a pitched battle. So learn from another mom who’s gone ahead.
Marriage is a glorious gift. But it isn’t without difficulties. Many of these only become apparent to newlyweds, regardless of marriage prep.