God’s Forgiveness Isn’t Free
Are gifts really free? Do the books you receive at conferences cost nothing? No. Just like God’s forgiveness, someone has to pay. Will it be you or Christ?
Are gifts really free? Do the books you receive at conferences cost nothing? No. Just like God’s forgiveness, someone has to pay. Will it be you or Christ?
Many Christians struggle or simply avoid reading the Old Testament prophets. Wrath. Judgment. But even a brief look at Jeremiah reveals patience and grace.
Formal church discipline can feel regrettable. But it’s crucial for God’s glory and the good of individual believers in your local church.
The recent popularity of Reformed theology is worth celebrating. But it should also be accompanied by exploring what exactly that theology is.
Do we really need heavy-handed or formal correction? Is church discipline a gospel good or a necessary evil?
Is your Church spiritually healthy? The engine behind spiritual health and the fuel that keeps it running is simple but profound.
God willing. You’ve heard it. You’ve probably said it. Maybe often. But what does it mean? And should we even say it? Can we know God’s will?
We might not worry about walking under ladders or breaking mirrors, but many superstitions still flourish among Christians today.
Who will spread the fragrance of hope? Who will declare God’s glory throughout the nations? Now is your time. So arise, oh Africa.
Esther’s intervention for the Jewish people mirrors Christ’s intervention for all of God’s people. He gave himself for those far from God.
Just as Esther identified with her people to help them, the Son of God became human in every way so that he could identify with and save us.
We’re born saddled by spiritual death. We need a Saviour from outside ourselves to reconcile us to God. In this way, Esther pictures Christ.
The book of Esther invites us to see that God can and does work in the real mess and moral ambiguity of human history.
When sin prevails in our relationships we assume God looks away. But Hagar’s story in Genesis 16 shows how God responds with astounding grace.
When ministry workers forget that their identity is in Christ they will work too much or too little, without gospel security and boldness.
Usually, repentance is associated with conversion. This isn’t wrong. Only, we mustn’t ignore the need for ongoing repentance, throughout life.
Formal church discipline can feel regrettable. But it’s crucial for God’s glory and the good of individual believers in your local church.
The recent popularity of Reformed theology is worth celebrating. But it should also be accompanied by exploring what exactly that theology is.
Do we really need heavy-handed or formal correction? Is church discipline a gospel good or a necessary evil?
It isn’t uncommon to hear Christians say “I love Jesus.” But what does that mean or look like? Briefly, it’s more than knowing the truth.