African Christianity Thrived, Long Before White Men Arrived
A very popular narrative says that Christianity isn’t African, but arrived with the Colonialists. Historically speaking, this claim is a fiction.
A very popular narrative says that Christianity isn’t African, but arrived with the Colonialists. Historically speaking, this claim is a fiction.
As a single woman you’re going to need help. Desires can be unrelenting. There’s pressure from others too. Let’s get practical. And biblical.
The spirits play a huge role in traditional African religions. But God made them. He rules over them. So we need not fear or serve them.
Throughout the Bible we see God call individuals to ministry. Is he calling you? He might be. Here are two important ways to know.
The idea that we’re children of God is common in Africa. But can we assume that God is our Father? What does him being a father even mean?
Is your Church spiritually healthy? The engine behind spiritual health and the fuel that keeps it running is simple but profound.
It is not uncommon to hear leaders defended on the basis of being anointed by God. But who are the Lord’s anointed? To answer that we must turn to the Bible.
Usually, repentance is associated with conversion. This isn’t wrong. Only, we mustn’t ignore the need for ongoing repentance, throughout life.
Who will spread the fragrance of hope? Who will declare God’s glory throughout the nations? Now is your time. So arise, oh Africa.
Esther’s intervention for the Jewish people mirrors Christ’s intervention for all of God’s people. He gave himself for those far from God.
Just as Esther identified with her people to help them, the Son of God became human in every way so that he could identify with and save us.
We’re born saddled by spiritual death. We need a Saviour from outside ourselves to reconcile us to God. In this way, Esther pictures Christ.
The book of Esther invites us to see that God can and does work in the real mess and moral ambiguity of human history.
As in many other cultures and across history, there is a longing among Africans for a messiah. But human saviours always disappoint.
Why should we worship God? Psalm 100 is full of reasons to sing songs of praise and live lives full of gratitude.
Part pagan, part Christian-history, Valentine’s Day is a fully fledged cultural high day. But how should Christians enjoy it?
As a single woman you’re going to need help. Desires can be unrelenting. There’s pressure from others too. Let’s get practical. And biblical.
The spirits play a huge role in traditional African religions. But God made them. He rules over them. So we need not fear or serve them.
Christian leadership isn’t about you. Nor is it ultimately about the people. It’s about God and his glory, through the gospel that saves.
Throughout the Bible we see God call individuals to ministry. Is he calling you? He might be. Here are two important ways to know.