Blaming the Devil for Bad Things Denies God Is Sovereign
We praise God for good things but blame the devil for the bad. By believing the devil is more powerful than he is, we suggest God isn’t sovereign.
We praise God for good things but blame the devil for the bad. By believing the devil is more powerful than he is, we suggest God isn’t sovereign.
In many communities across Africa, fathers are absent. Thus Christian fathers must stand apart. Small changes at home can transform communities and lives.
It isn’t wrong to desire church growth, but it is dangerous. For Satan uses this desire to deceive us into altering the gospel and abandoning discipline.
The Holy Spirit still directs but—as Jesus said—he leads us into gospel truth, towards faith and obedience. And he won’t contradict himself in scripture.
Cultural biases can blind us as we read the Bible. To reveal fully the meaning of Psalm 51, we need more African communalism and less Western individualism