
Why do Christians go through so much hardship in this world? And how can we live through it? The Apostle Peter, in the introduction of his letter to persecuted and suffering Christians, helps us see that the reason for these challenges actually lies in our identity. In this identity also lies the hope that enables us to continue. So it is critical that we understand who we are. We must have an answer to the question who is a Christian?

Who Is A Christian?

“I am going to ask you this question: “who are you?” How would you answer that? It’s a question that we don’t want others to answer for us. But, we don’t know how to answer very well for ourselves. Because is it by your ethnicity? Is it by your height? Is it by your skin colour, by your vocation, by your marital status? Who are you?

Can you define yourself? The problem is that most times when we have to define ourselves we pretend.

Again, I said, we don’t like people answering for us because we say we don’t like people putting us into boxes. Into boxes defining us. Alright. You don’t want people to define you. Can you define yourself? The problem is that most times when we have to define ourselves we pretend.

And you see in the same way Christians should not really be defining ourselves. When I ask you who you are you don’t look into yourselves. We are meant to define ourselves not by ourselves but by God. And that is what Peter does in this letter.”

Chosen… Foreign… Heir…

“Now to answer that question Peter gives us three answers. A Christian is chosen. A Christian is a foreigner. And a Christian is an heir.”

You are not an accident. God is in control of your life.

Listen to Pastor Femi as he unpacks what each of these means – and why we can believe them to be true.

“Who are you? Who is a Christian? A Christian is elect before time, foreigner in the current time, heir of the time to come. You are not an accident. God is in control of your life. Don’t be surprised about difficulties with society. Your guaranteed best life is yet to come.”


Text: 1 Peter 1:1-5

Preached: 1 March 2020

Location: City Church, Lagos, Nigeria
