
Many cultic groups and leaders across Africa and the world are at pains to tell us that Jesus and the Bible are not sufficient for our ultimate salvation. They are not enough, they say. “You need to know the secret teaching, or listen to the ‘prophet of your time’.”

We Want Something Complicated!

“The problem with us sometimes, is we don’t want to be only trusting in Jesus, we want complicated things. We want people to come with an extra book and tell us keep these 10 laws, keep these 15 laws to be right with God. And we want people to bring us special revelation and make us eat grass and fall out of the sky or whatever!

We want people to bring us special revelation and make us eat grass

It’s true! We want things to be complicated! And yet Jesus says it is simple as that. You want to be right with God? You trust in Jesus. It is as simple as that.

And what do we do? We say “it can’t be that simple, surely! Surely God must send this Big Man to tell me something new. Surely I must fast 100 days so as I can hear God’s voice in a special way. It can’t be that simple!”

But Jesus is Enough

Well, Jesus says it is that simple. Because God was pleased – in the person of Jesus – to reveal himself fully. And to have Jesus as the only way to be reconciled him.”

The Colossian church was also being told that Jesus was not enough, that there was additional special revelation they needed to listen to to be saved. What does this equal? Jesus plus.

You want to be right with God? You trust in Jesus. It is as simple as that.

Listen to Nicolas Kyalangalilwa as he unpacks the importance of putting our full trust in Jesus, the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation.

Paul argues that Jesus is enough because there is no-one like Jesus. He cannot be compared to any human prophet or teacher. Because the truth is that Jesus alone is enough for us to be made right with God. Nic encourages us to consider other areas of our thinking and lives where we may be trusting more in men or ourselves to mediate on our behalf before God.

Text: Colossians 1:18-20

Date preached: 3 March 2019

Location: Le Phare Church, Bukhavu, DRC-Congo
