
Jesus’ death on the cross is a monumental, historical event. At the cross, Jesus bears the sins of the world in order for mankind to be reconciled to God. When confronted with the death of Jesus, one can either bow down in faith or mock him and pass by.

The Death of the King

Jesus died the worst ever shameful death possible and took the sins of the world upon himself. He died so that in return, he could reconcile man to God.

“Jesus didn’t die the way anybody dies. He didn’t die the way normal people die. Jesus was crucified. He died crucified, mocked by everybody even the worst people of society.”

Topics & Timestamps

0:00 – The symbol of the cross
2:08 – Why do Christians celebrate the death of Jesus?
5:46 – Jesus was crucified
11:30 – Events that happened when Jesus died
12:04 – There was darkness when Jesus died
14:37 – The temple curtain tore into two
– Two reactions to the death of Jesus on the cross

22:40 – Characteristics of a cross-shaped life

Top Quotes

“You cannot understand the gospel of Jesus Christ unless you understand Jesus’ death on the cross.”

“Jesus died the worst ever shameful death possible and took the sins of the world upon himself. He died so that in return, he could reconcile man to God.”

“Confronted with the death of Jesus, you can either respond in faith like the Centurion did or you can pass by and mock him.”

Other Content On This Topic

Three Crosses: Two Reactions, One Response

Why Christ Had To Die

The Wages Of Sin: The Punishment Of Evil At The Cross And In Hell


Text: Mark 15:21-41

Date preached: 19 January 2020

Location: Lephare Church, Bukavu, DRC-Congo
