
Do you care about other people’s burdens? Does your heart go out to a brother or sister caught up in some sin? If you are a spiritual leader you have a responsibility to be a restorer; to reach out and help the souls under your charge in their time of need.

Reaching Out To The Falling

In Galatians 6:1 Pauls says “if a man is overtaken in any trespass, you who are spiritual restore such a one in a spirit of gentleness”. Paul is saying if a Christian brother or sister is weighed down or menaced by a burden, or by a sin, or by a threat, you who are spiritual – particularly – should be alert and quick to do something about it.

“We mustn’t let such ones be crushed; we mustn’t let them be destroyed. Nor must we be like the Pharisees who would look the other way – perhaps even bind heavier burdens on them!” We must be pastoral about it.

We must particularly look out for the weak. Leave the 99 sheep that are well and go after the lost.

This is the first in a three part series on the ministry of reconciliation as Ronald Kalifungwa addresses these three elements in turn: the restorer, the restored, and the restoration.

Who Is The Restorer?

This sermon examines who the restorer is according to Paul. What is his identity? What are his qualifications? As he digs into these traits, Ronald Kalifungwa also highlights how the idea of ‘spiritual’ has been distorted.

Paul clearly calls Christian leaders to equip themselves and take up the responsibility of being restorers in their community.

“Do you spend time doing things like that? Well Paul says you must. All believers need to be bearing one another’s burdens. It is certainly a command to all believers. But isn’t it specially applied to those of you who are spiritual, who are leaders? You must be concerned. You mustn’t have the spirit of the Pharisees who were not concerned.”

The Real Ministry of The Word

“The scriptures set forth a cause and effect relationship between what a servant of God is – what a leader is – as a man, as a Christian, and what he accomplishes as a minister of the Word.

Now we understand these things particularly as they pertain to preaching. We know how to emphasise the fact that a preacher must be a true man of God, a holy man, a godly man. But we often forget that even dealing with people at a personal level: counselling them, restoring them, using the word, is the ministry of the word.

The ministry of the word isn’t just preaching from the pulpit. It’s applying the word to individual souls.

The ministry of the word is not just preaching from the pulpit. It’s applying the word to individual souls such as the man being referred to in Galatians 6:1 – bringing the word to bear upon his life. Now you must be living right, you must be spiritual, you must be humble – in order to be useful to this man.”


Text: Galatians 6: 1-4

Date preached: 8 January 2018

Location: Grace Ministers Conference, Johannesburg, South Africa
