
In Luke 8 Jesus shows us how to bear fruit in dark times. Christians know that we live in a fallen world. But God has not abandoned us. He loves us! He sent Jesus, his only son, to die and rise again to save us. We can now live in peace and know with absolute certainty that to die is just to sleep – like the little girl in the story. In his death and resurrection Jesus restores the broken relationship between God and mankind. And like the bleeding woman we are called to respond not in fear, but in faith. “Do not be afraid – just believe.” For as Paul reminds us, “To live is Christ and to die is gain.”

Every Day is Uncertain

“Last year August I suffered a mild stroke. It was at that moment that I realised life is but a mist. Disappearing as soon as the sun comes up. It may be high blood pressure, a heart attack. Today many are anxious because of the Coronavirus pandemic. The smell of death helped me to realise what is important and what is not. Yes, I’m a Christian. I’m a Pastor – I preach everyday. I’m not afraid of death. But then I realised what about my wife? What about my kids, what about all those people I love? What will happen with them as soon as I depart and be with the Lord?

I’m a Christian. I’m a Pastor – I preach everyday. I’m not afraid of death. But then I realised what about my wife? What about my kids, what about the people I love?

It seems today we are suddenly aware that we are in uncertain times. Yet according to God’s word we are living in the last days. And so according to Jesus anytime we need to either be ready to join him through death or receive him as he takes us home.”

God is in Control

“If we had known the day and the hour that Coronavirus was going to come we were going to have put everything in place to be ready for it.” But we are not in control.

“Dear friends, may we be encouraged. Knowing that God is in control and he gives us his peace. May we be comforted by the work of the Spirit in our lives. Strengthened even when our knees our shaking. May we be strengthened in the fellowship of sisters and brothers in Christ who hold to the same hope. And in all this, I pray that we will not be paralysed.

Let us not be paralysed to inactivity by the anxiety about tomorrow. You know what Jesus says about that? Because tomorrow has it’s own worries. So what should you do? May our hope in God enable us to live wisely, to live responsibly and even more to live joyfully productive lives.

Bear Fruit! Live Joyfully Productive Lives!

And how do we do that? We need to live these joyfully productive lives bearing fruit everyday no matter how things turn out because we know that to live is Christ, and to die is gain. To live is Christ. To live we are to bear fruit. Fruit in love.

Let’s love one another, let’s check on each other. Let’s call each other

Fruits of the Spirit

“Let’s love one another, let’s check on each other. Let’s call each other. Joy! Let us encourage each other to celebrate what we have, in God, and in this present world. Gifts from him. The salvation we have and the hope we have. Peace! This is the fruit of the spirit! Love, joy, peace. The peace of God. Let’s be sources of peace in a world that is uncertain. Forbearance. Let’s be the source of people enduring.

Kindness! Let’s be kind to one another – don’t be like me. Who fires 10 questions to my wife because I am under pressure in my work. Every employee is calling every 5 seconds, “Should I still do this? Should I do that?” And I didn’t even know what to do! Let’s be kind one to another, let’s be dispensers of goodness. Let’s be gentle – one to another and let’s listen. Be slow to answer but quick to hear. And let’s be self-controlled.

Let us pray.”


Text: Luke 8:40-56

Date Preached: 22 March 2020

Location: Kingdom People Church, Harare, Zimbabwe
