
Fear or Faith? Exorcism & The Role of The Church

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Exorcism in the African Church is incredibly widespread. But we have to ask ourselves is deliverance ministry really the Church’s main purpose?

Exorcism In The African Church

The calling of the Church – first and foremost – is to preach the gospel, not to chase demons.

“Discernment is extremely important when it comes to the subject of deliverance or exorcism.”

“There are many people who will claim that God has called them and given them special power to conduct the ministry of deliverance. But not everybody who claims to be a messenger of God actually is. And so as believers we must test all things, to hold fast to that which is good and to abstain from every appearance of evil.”

Topics & Timestamps

0:10 – The controversy surrounding exorcism in Africa.
0:48 – How the church should respond to exorcism or deliverance.
0:54 – The church has been called to preach the gospel.
1:25 – The church must deepen its discipleship effort.
1:55 – The church must train God’s people for discernment.
2:34 – Remind believers of their identity in Christ.
3:12 – Remind believers to proclaim the gospel.
3:48 – Not all who claim to be messengers of God actually are.

Top Quotes: Exorcism in Church

“The calling of the Church – first and foremost – is to preach the gospel, not to chase demons.”

“We must be able to tell the difference between a demonic encounter and some seemingly demonic problem that’s actually a medical problem.”

“Deliverance is not what Christ has really called us to do. We do deliverance in the process of proclaiming the gospel and in the process of fulfilling the great commission.”

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