Editors’ note: 

Excellent Reformed and Evangelical conferences are held across Africa every year. The TGC Africa Podcast showcases select conferences to encourage and build up the local church across our continent.


This sermon was one of eight, delivered at the 2022 Proclaim Conference, which is hosted by our Kenyan council member Ken Mbugua, Emmanuel Baptist Church, and Ekklesia Afrika. The conference’s theme and title was The Whole Christ, with each sermon making a case for the sufficiency and relevance of both Jesus’ person and work, for all of life.

In the second talk from the 2022 Proclaim Conference in Nairobi, Harrison Mungai preaches on Jesus’ humanity. He presents Jesus Christ as the Son of God, fully God yet fully man, the one who dwelt among us. Thus Jesus experienced the whole range of human experiences. He suffered and died and was buried. However, he did this for us our sake. And he was raised from the grave, embodying a life beyond death for those who trust in him. Finally, Christ presently mediates for us, interceding between us and the Father. Remarkably, he does this not only as the Son of God but also as a son of man.

But does any of this matter? It can all sound a little abstract. Harrison shows that in order to be the perfect substitute, Jesus had to identify with us in our pain and sorrow. In our humanity. He also had to be born under the law in order to fulfil it. Thus Jesus became the perfect model for us to emulate and is presently interceding for us in glory. We now live with an eternal hope of being raised with him and living with him forever.

The Humanity of Christ: Fully God, Fully Man

Listen to how Harrison puts it: “Jesus did not announce the gospel from the skies. He actually came and taught it to us. He wasn’t in a high chamber somewhere, but he actually came to where we were—an incarnational ministry. Throughout his teaching and even his own ministry, we would see him identifying with human plight. Jesus was not indifferent to human sorrow and human suffering.”

Jesus was not indifferent to human sorrow and human suffering.

Harrison then reminds us; “We are foreigners and sojourners on this earth. Can I remind you that our Saviour, who went through all range of human experiences, is yours and mine forevermore. Jesus has been through this. Can you be encouraged today? Jesus has been through this. Keep going. Keep walking. Keep following Jesus.”

Related Content

If you can’t listen or watch this sermon, you can always read the transcript below. You also might want to check out a few related articles:

Text: Luke 2:1-21

Date preached: 22 September 2022

Location: 2022 Proclaim Conference, Emmanuel Baptist Church, Nairobi, Kenya
