Editors’ note: 

Excellent Reformed and Evangelical conferences are held across Africa every year. The TGC Africa Podcast showcases select conferences to encourage and build up the local church across our continent.

This sermon was delivered at the 2023 Rooted Conference, which is hosted by GracePoint Church Kikuyu in Kenya. The conference’s theme and title was Rooted in the Cross of Christ. Each talk surveys an aspect of Christ’s death on the cross and the implications for believers today.

In what is one of the most stunning twists of the Old Testament narrative, God orders Abraham to take his only son, Isaac, and give him up as a burnt offering (Genesis 22:2). It’s stunning for many reasons. For starters, Abraham had waited on God’s promise of a son for decades. Was he now to kill him? Then there’s the fact that God strictly forbade human sacrifices. So why does God command Abraham to take Isaac with him, up Mount Moriah? It doesn’t make sense. It almost certainly didn’t make sense to Abraham. Yet in it we learn much about the cross of Christ and the love of God the Father.

The Father Gives His Only Son at the Cross

Elsewhere in the Bible we read that this was a test. That God was testing his servant Abraham, his love and obedience. His commitment to God over above everything else in his life, even his dearly beloved son Isaac. Likewise, living a life of obedience and faith today will make demands and issue choices that don’t make sense.

God our Father has willingly and lovingly given us his only Son.

As Fidel Nyikuri puts it in this elective talk, “Brothers and sisters, the life of the cross is a life of us showing that we love God more than we love that which he has given us. It is a life calling us to sacrifice that we think is so precious to us, for the sake of the one who gave his precious life for us. And so here is Abraham, in the midst of the test.” Only God steps in, providing a ram that dies as a substitutional sacrifice for Isaac. In the same way, God spares us and gives up his only Son to die the death we deserved so that we may be reconciled to God.

In Fidel’s words, “Just as Abraham did not withhold his only son the one he loves but willingly gave him up, so has God our Father willingly and lovingly given us his only Son for us. God also has given us his Son. God did not spare his Son.”

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Child Sacrifice in Uganda: The Chilling Truth & Gospel Cure
Fasten Your Hope to the Unfailing Love of God
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Date: Saturday, 8th April 2023

Location: 2023 Rooted Conference, GracePoint Church Kikuyu, Kenya
