The sovereignty of God is one of his attributes that attests to his majesty and magnificence. However, it is also one of those attributes that have contributed to a lot of debate within Christian circles. God’s sovereignty is foundational to all other aspects of theology, as it is crucial to understanding who God is. We can trace sovereignty throughout the Bible like a golden cord, touching on deeper areas of theology such as election, providence, and salvation. It is my aim to explore some of the ways in which we can understand the role his sovereignty plays in these areas.
A Pillow on Which to Rest Your Head
God’s sovereignty reveals to his creation the reality that he is the God who reigns over all he has created, and that he is actively involved in it. All that was, that is, and will be is under his sovereign control. Now, this stands in stark contrast to some of the world’s views of God. Some people view God merely as the “man upstairs” who isn’t all too involved with the affairs of man. Others believe that God created the world but left humanity in control and isn’t bothered by the state of things.
All that was, that is, and will be is under God’s sovereign control.
However, a thorough study of God’s sovereignty will reveal that God is very much still involved with the affairs of the world! In fact, the beauty of his sovereignty is that it undergirds many of his other attributes, such as his omniscience (all-knowingness) and omnipresence (being everywhere at once). Because God is all-knowing and ever-present, nothing will ever come as a surprise to him, and we as his children can rest securely in that knowledge.
Spurgeon put it so well: “The sovereignty of God is the pillow upon which the child of God rests his head at night, giving perfect peace.”
The Sovereign God Never Doses off
Every day, God reigns over every aspect of life, and he has determined everything; nothing comes as a surprise to him. God isn’t in heaven, pacing around with worry whenever something seemingly goes wrong on earth.
God reigns over every aspect of life.
Take, for instance, what happened to Joseph. Because he knew that God is sovereign, he could say to his brothers: “what you meant for evil, God meant for good” (Genesis 50:20). God’s purposes trump the purposes of man. Joseph’s brothers had conspired against him, and sold him into slavery, causing him to end up in Egypt. A seemingly dire situation for Joseph, but God used it and ordained it for his purposes in the end. Joseph’s story is one that sings of God’s sovereignty and displays the way in which God’s sovereignty is carried out in the life of man.
A Very Brief Outline of Sovereignty:
We can see God’s sovereignty carried out in three distinct areas: creation; history and providence; and salvation and judgment.
1. Creation
Creation attests that God is sovereign. The Bible teaches us that creation came about ex nihilo, out of nothing, and it was through God’s purposes that he decided to create the world and humanity. Consider, for example, Psalm 33:6-9.
2. History and Providence
Regarding history and providence, a clear storyline can be discerned throughout the Bible. The Bible teaches that God is ultimately in charge of what will happen. Human governments exist and rule over areas of the world, but do not consider that it was God who placed them there, and that He can also decide when to remove them (Psalm 33:10-11). The Bible also reveals God’s common grace towards His creation and how He provides for it.
3. Salvation and Judgment
Perhaps one of the most difficult to understand aspects of God’s sovereignty is the arena of salvation and judgment. However, once more the Bible is clear that it is God who is sovereign in his plan for salvation and redemption. Ephesians 1:4-5 clearly shows that God is sovereign in salvation: we have been predestined according to his purpose and will, before he created the world.
Election shows us the goodness and sovereignty of God.
God is also sovereign in his judgment. Now, this is a point of debate for many, and it does go slightly into the topic of predestination. Some people might ask the question, “if God is so good and just, why does he not save everyone.” However, as sinful humans, we do not deserve God’s goodness and grace at all, and true justice wouldn’t be to receive his grace. Thus, election shows us the goodness and sovereignty of God.
Foundational and Full of Assurance
God’s sovereignty is foundational to understand Christian peace.
These three areas teach us that God’s sovereignty is a foundational doctrine, one that cannot be shrugged off or thrown to the side. In fact, the attribute of God’s sovereignty is foundational to understand Christian peace. We can know that everything that has happened, is happening and will happen is under God’s control, and we do not need to fear what will come to pass. God is, and always will be, in control over his creation. Go and get some sleep.