We all desire a church that would make us feel comfortable. A church where we would be valued, appreciated and sometimes even consulted. A church where no one would intrude into our personal space, but allow us to be who we are. Does this resonate with you? Is anything listed here wrong? And if not, is it wrong to have such a mind-set concerning the church?
We all desire a church that would make us feel comfortable.
I reckon some would say that everything listed in the above paragraph is necessary, in some way or other, for a church to be relevant and helpful. However, the danger in what is listed above is the focus. The focus of all those things is anthropocentric. That is, they are man-centred. They are things tailored to make man happy.
All of this brings out a question concerning the existence of the church. Is the purpose of the church to make mankind happy? What does the Bible teach is the purpose of the church?
The Church Exists for God’s Glory
Paul writes that God established the church so that through it his manifold wisdom might be made known to the rulers and authorities in the heavenly places.
God glorifies himself through the church.
He writes, “To me, though I am the very least of all the saints, this grace was given, to preach to the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ, and to bring to light for everyone what is the plan of the mystery hidden for ages in God, who created all things, so that through the church the manifold wisdom of God might now be made known to the rulers and authorities in the heavenly places. This was according to the eternal purpose that he has realised in Christ Jesus our Lord, in whom we have boldness and access with confidence through our faith in him” (Ephesians 3:8-12).
These rulers and authorities in heavenly places would be the satanic forces that rebelled against God and fight against everything godly (Ephesians 6:12). These are God’s enemies. Yet, through the church, God displays his manifold wisdom before them. He demonstrates how he is transcendent and beyond their comprehension through the church.
When these satanic forces behold the church they are blown away by the manifold wisdom of God displayed through the church. This shows the unique purpose of God for the church. In other words, God glorifies himself through the church. The sole purpose of the church is to put on display the magnificent glory of God as the one and only true sovereign king.
You Also Exist for God’s Glory
I know some would argue that the church’s purpose is the edification of the saints. Or the planting of more churches. Yes, those things would be part and parcel of God’s church but they are not the sole purposes as revealed in Ephesians 3. Paul, who is revealing this mystery of the church, writes that it was established to display the manifold wisdom of God and that this was not an afterthought but it is God’s eternal purpose (Ephesians 3:11), “according to the eternal purpose that he has realised in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
Mankind’s fulfilment is tied to seeing that God is glorified.
It is very important that one understands the purpose of God for the church if they are going to benefit extensively from being part of a local church; and also if they are going to contribute efficiently to the well-being of the church. Mankind’s fulfilment is tied to seeing that God is glorified.
Few have argued this theme better than John Piper. In his words, “The true significance of life is that God made human beings in his own image with precious value. And that value is knowing God, loving God, showing God. In other words, life is about God. Man is not central. God is central. He created the universe and humanity in order to magnify the greatness of God. And our joy in this world, which God made essential, is in Jesus Christ, in God the Father, in the Holy Spirit.”
Find a Church That Fulfils Its and Your Purpose
God should be central in the life of any local church.
In Ephesians 3 Paul writes about “this mystery,” the church. He says it has been established for one single purpose, to display the manifold wisdom of God. Because the church doesn’t exist for you, it’s somewhat easier to find the right one. God should be central in the life of any local church. His greater glory should be its mission. So too should be the aim of every believer.