Sometimes, even when we’ve been believers for years, we lack answers to simple questions. This seems to be especially true when those questions come from children. It may not be your case. But somewhere someone is scratching their head for the right answer to explain who created God; the nature of the Trinity; or where the dinosaurs fit in.
Sometimes we lack answers to simple questions.
One day, as our Sunday service was coming to end, two children approached me. They said they had a question, which I said was very welcome. Then they asked: “God created us, didn’t he?” Yes, I replied. Then: “God created all things, didn’t he?” Yes, I said, again. Eventually they got to this: “So, who created God?” This question has likely been heard in many places, from theological teaching programs to Sunday School. But it caught me off guard.
Perhaps without the clarity of hindsight, I managed an answer, which I’ve reproduced below. Whether you’re a theological lecturer or a youth leader, I hope that it’s of some help.
1. No One Created God
In Genesis 1:1 we read, “In the beginning God created.” Thus, everything has an origin. A beginning. That origin or source is God. He was there at the beginning of all things. But he himself was not made by another being. Consider Paul’s words in Colossians 1:17, “He is before all things, and in him all things hold together.” Everything we can see—and all that we cannot—comes from God. He always existed. He’ll exist forever.
What does this mean to us?
Everything we can see—and all that we cannot—comes from God.
Well, in Colossians 1:16 Paul says, “all things were created through him and for him.” When we meditate on the last part of that verse—that everything was made for God—we learn that the very reason for our living is God himself. Thus while we try and wrap our minds around God existing eternally, we realise why we exist. As the Creator, as well as the Redeemer, God deserves all honour and glory (Revelation 4:11).
2. We’ll Know (Him) More in Glory
Following on from my first answer, Jesus provides another. “Eternal life consists in knowing God and Jesus whom God has sent” (John 17:3). A little confusingly, this life begins now. But it certainly doesn’t end there. Thus the only place we’re going to have a full understanding of God is in glory. Eternal life is far greater than living forever; it is to be with and know God forever.
Again, what does this mean?
We’ll never understand fully God here, on earth. In fact, being finite we won’t fully comprehend God then, in glory. The reasons are simple:
- God is spirit (John 4:24)
- His thoughts aren’t ours (Isaiah 55:8)
- We’re are finite, with a beginning and an end, thus our minds are limited (Deuteronomy 29:29).
Eternal life is far greater than living forever.
As those whom God created, we’ll never fully grasp the nature of God. That being said, he has revealed himself. We can know him now and Jesus promised that we’ll see his face then (Matthew 5:8).
Faith in the Face of Mystery
We live awaiting that end, but in the meantime these mysteries can strengthen our faith. When we contemplate the greatness of God, the things he’s done, wonders incomprehensible, we can only prostrate ourselves at the feet of the Creator. We find a reason to trust more in him; it fuels our desire to be with him, forever and ever. Let’s not forget Jesus’ words, “Whoever doesn’t receive the kingdom of God as a little child will never get into it at all” (Luke 18:17).
We can only prostrate ourselves at the feet of the Creator.
Indeed, we must be “born again” in order to understand the mysteries of God (John 3:3). Of course, that is inseparable from the work of the Holy Spirit. But it also alerts us to spiritual realities, many of which remain a mystery to us. As the writer of Hebrews says, we can have “assurance that what we hope for will come about and the certainty that what we cannot see exists” (Hebrews 11:1). Thus there will be much we don’t or can’t understand. So we live by faith.