
Why Do We Keep Having to Bind the Devil? // Veracity Fount

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TGC Africa creates faithful Christian content to strengthen African believers. Through this process ministry friendships develop with like-minded churches and parachurch organisations across Africa. We long to amplify the presence of gospel centered ministries in their home countries, pointing local Christians to trustworthy, edifying resources available on their doorstep.


This series of Word Bite videos were created by Veracity Fount, a parachurch organisation operating in the city of Kampala, Uganda. In short video clips Joseph Byamukama answers a few common questions Christians ask from a biblical standpoint, that is also concerned with historic theology. To find out more about Veracity Fount please visit their website or visit their offices at Plot 2, Musuubire Henry Close, Bukoto Kampala, Uganda.

Conrad Mbewe asks, “If we keep binding the devil, who keeps loosing him?” And it’s a great question. For why do we have to keep binding Satan, every Friday night? Is the problem that we do a bad job? Should we even bother attending the late night prayer service, when we know that we’ll be doing it all again next week, and the following? One might ask other questions too. Do we really think Satan is hindered by our stomping and shouting? Is that the best way to bind our great adversary?

If we keep binding the devil, who keeps loosing him?

Can We Really Bind the Devil?

It’s fair to say that this practice and various iterations of it are common in African churches. Thus many Christians are expending both effort and energy in their attempt to bind to devil. However, as noted above, it never seems to be enough. In this short video, Joseph Byamukama argues that that’s because many of our practices—even the shape of our prayers—aren’t informed or shaped by scripture. And when we turn to the Bible, Joseph observes, only two individuals ever bind the devil. Those are Jesus and an unnamed angel (Revelation 20:1-2).

We overcome Satan when we obey God.

The fact that “the Bible never calls any Christian to bind the devil” should cause us to pause and take stock. More than raising questions about the apparent futility of this practise, it should move us to query the appropriateness of it. On top of that, when we read the Bible we learn that our greatest weapon against Satan is actually obedience to our Lord. When we draw near to the Lord we drive Satan away (James 4:7-8). As Jesus told the seventy-two, “Do not rejoice in this, that the spirits are subject to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven” (Luke 10:20).

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