
How Can I Be Certain of The Afterlife?

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Being certain of the afterlife can be a challenge. But if we stand firm in the truth of the resurrection of Christ we are sure to get the surety we crave.

How Can I Be Certain of The Afterlife?

We are provided with objective future evidence. Someone has actually gone into the afterlife and came to tell us about it.

“Apart from the four different attestations to this event in the four gospels, multiple scholars have demonstrated that the overwhelming, the most plausible explanation from a historical and sociological stand point for the existence of Christianity is, wait for it, Jesus was raised from the dead. In fact, in 1 Corinthians 15:13-15 Paul says, ‘If there was no resurrection of Jesus from the dead then Christianity should not exist’.

Topics & Timestamps

0:00 – How can I be certain of the afterlife?
0:30 – Is it just blind faith?
1:00 – Foundation of the Christian faith
1:49 – Seeing is not always believing

Top Quotes: Title Again

“We are provided with objective future evidence. Someone has actually gone into the afterlife and came to tell us about it.”

“Jesus didn’t simply come back to this life as did his friend Lazarus. Through his resurrection he went forth into life.”

“Sadly, with the abundance of scholarly and experiential evidence that exists today, some people still don’t believe in the resurrection.”

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