
Hope For The Searching | Give to TGC Africa Today

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Are you looking for a gospel-centred ministry to support? Here is a bit more about The Gospel Coalition Africa. Who we are, what we do and how we are engaged in growing the kingdom of Christ in Africa. As COVID-19 drives us all increasingly online, please consider how you can give hope to the searching by partnering with us.

What We Do

The Gospel Coalition Africa. Just a website? Not quite. We are an online repository of biblical wisdom – as good, high quality, Christian content is produced by Africans, for Africans.

We are not just joining networks together, we are building a strong community of African Christians. Every day thousands of readers and listeners engage with our articles and podcasts and other social media content that we create. We are helping pastors, ministry workers and Christians at large to engage with cultural matters of the day from a biblical perspective.

Give Hope For The Searching In Africa

The Church in Africa is growing exponentially. 1.2 billion people currently occupy the continent of Africa. Studies show us that 100 years ago, from 9%, the growth of Christianity in Africa has moved to 50%. The highest global concentration of Christians is currently in Sub-Saharan Africa.

The work we do at The Gospel Coalition Africa is to bring hope for people who are seeking. Therefore, we want to raise the next generation of Christian pastors, African theologians, Christian authors and bloggers. So that, as we hold on biblical orthodoxy, they can influence the global Church in the near future.

You Can Partner With Us

As Dr Conrad Mbewe once said, the gospel needs to wear African clothes. So won’t you consider partnering with us? For the benefit of the African continent, and ultimately for the glory of the one and only living God.

Would you consider giving $50, $100, $250, or more to help TGC Africa continue offering gospel-centred truth and hope for the searching?


Your gift will enable us to continue offering our online resources for free to people across Africa.

Thanks for supporting The Gospel Coalition Africa!