Every book of the New Testament, with the exception of Philemon, warns believers of false teachers. The battle between truth and error has been raging ever since Genesis 3.
Does The Bible Address False Teaching?
Paul challenges the Colossian believers to focus on Christ. Who is not only the centre, but the sufficient, supreme saviour that the world needs today.
“Jesus talks about false prophets, “Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing. But inwardly are ravenous wolves.” The key word there being, ‘watch out’. But also, watch out because they are not easily discernible or detectable. While outward they look innocent and gentle and harmless, they are actually destructive, ferocious wolves looking for someone to devour.”
Topics & Timestamps
0:31 – The Bible addresses false teaching
0:50 – False teaching can be traced all the way from the garden of Eden
1:11 – Satan also tried to deceive Jesus
1:26 – Jesus himself warned believers
2:40 – Paul warns believers of a different gospel
3:04 – Paul calls believers to exercise Biblical discernment
3:15 – Peter likens false teachers to false prophets of old
4:41 – Paul calls believers to focus on Christ
5:01 – John warns about false spirits
Top Quotes: Does The Bible Address False Teaching?
“Paul warns the believers that unless they exercise Biblical discernment – the ability to tell the difference between truth and error, right and wrong – they are likely to be deceived.”
“Paul challenges the Colossian believers to focus on Christ, who is not only the centre, but the sufficient, supreme Saviour that the world needs today.”
“Peter reminds believers that false teachers will come secretly and they will seek to deceive them, especially using fabricated stories or dreams or visions.”
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Greetings. My name is Rodgers Atwebembeire from the Africa Centre for Apologetics Research. A ministry mandated with the equipping of believers in Africa. For the defence of the faith, for Biblical discernment and for cult evangelism. Today we talk about false teachings and especially look at what the Bible has to say about this subject. Did you know that the whole Bible, the Old Testament and the New both warn believers about the danger of false teachers and their teachings? In fact, every book of the New Testament except the book of Philemon warn believers and call them to stand guard against false teacher. You may remember that false teaching goes way back into the garden of Eden in Genesis 3 where we see the serpent deny, distort God’s word and deceive Eve into disobeying God’s command. And since then, the battle between truth and error, right and wrong has been raging. You may remember in the New Testament that Satan tried the same similar trick when he tried to tempt Jesus in the wilderness by denying and distorting God’s word and causing Jesus to doubt God’s goodness and faithfulness on his behalf. Jesus himself warned believers about the danger and the destructive nature of false teachers. In Matthew 7:15 he talks about false prophets. “Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing. But inwardly are ravenous wolves.” They key word there being, ‘watch out.’ But also, watch out because they are not easily discernible or detectable. While outward they look innocent and gentle and harmless, they are actually destructive, ferocious wolves looking for someone to devour. Jesus again speaks of false teachers in Matthew 24:24. He talks about false christs and prophets who even perform signs and wonders. With the intention of deceiving the elect. And what Jesus says basically is, “Beware, people who claim to be Christ will come. Prophets who claim to be from God but actually are not will come. They will perform false miracles. But while they do so, what is the goal or the agenda? To deceive even the elect.” The Apostles followed in the same footsteps in warning believers about false teachers. Like for instance Paul in 2Corinthians 11:3-4, he talks about the danger of another gospel, rather another Jesus, a different gospel and a different spirit. In 2 Corinthians 11: 13&14, he addresses the danger of false apostles who masquerade as apostles of righteousness. And he warns the believers that unless they exercise Biblical discernment, the ability to tell the difference between truth and error, right and wrong, they are likely to be deceived. Peter himself talked about this subject in 2 Peter 2. Peter likens the false teachers with the false prophets of old. He says, “Just as there were false prophets, there will be false teachers among you who bring destructive hieracies and they do so secretly. And because of their deceptive nature, Peter warns believers to be discerning, Peter warns believers to be on guard. Peter reminds them that they will come secretly and they will seek to deceive them especially using fabricated stories or dreams or visions. Now, when I talk about dreams or visions or prophecies, I’m sure many of you will identify with this. Because these are the popular teachings in our society today. Prophets who claim God has given them predictions about the future, those who received dreams about God’s will for their lives or for the Church. And for such, the New Testament warns believers and says, “Beware, watch out, see to it that you are not deceived. In Colossians 2:8, the apostle Paul says, “See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy which depends on human tradition and the elemental spiritual forces of this world rather than on Christ.” In other words, that instead of focusing on human philosophy that is hollow and deceptive, he challenges the Colossian believers to focus on Christ who is not only the centre but the sufficient, supreme saviour that the world needs today. You come to 1 John 4:1-6, John warns about false spirits and false prophets. He says, “Beloved, do not believe every spirit. But test the spirits because false prophets have come into the world.” I do not need to convince you any further that indeed this is a subject that the Bible considers important and central. That this is a subject that both Jesus and the apostles warn believers about especially because of the consequences that arise out of the false teachers and their false teachings. And therefore, the Bible not only highlights the danger, but invites believers to exercise discernment, invites believers to exercise their faith in the face of error and false teachers. And above all, invites believers to watch out for one another and warn one another that they may not be victims of the teachings of these false teachers that will not only affect them in this life, but could affect their eternal life. Watch out that you may not be deceived