Editors’ note: 

TGC Africa creates faithful Christian content to strengthen African believers. Through this process ministry friendships develop with like-minded churches and parachurch organisations across Africa. We long to amplify the presence of gospel centered ministries in their home countries, pointing local Christians to trustworthy, edifying resources available on their doorstep.


The Academy of Theology seeks to Intentionally Contextualise Christianity in the African Context. We are excited to feature two of the South African writers who presented at their 2023 Christian Writing Conference in Midrand, Johannesburg, South Africa earlier this year. To find out more about The Academy of Theology follow their regular webinars on their YouTube channel.

The thrust of this talk is this: your writing must first and foremost serve Christians around you. It’s easy to address issues in the Church that everyone else is, usually those across the Atlantic. But Africa needs writers that look around them and set out to address local challenges and questions. As Afrika puts it in his talk, “Don’t write what’s popular, but what’s needed.” He goes on to say, “You have to write, in my view, as a response to what’s happening around you.”

We need thinking Christians to answer difficult questions.

Writing to Respond Biblically

He also offers a crucial qualification to his imperative. That is, we can’t merely observe and address our local contexts. Our writing must be grounded in the Bible, what God has made known. The faithful writer dives deep into the scriptures and comes up with pearls for the present. When asking what to write, the answer should always consider these two elements: God’s truth and our world.

Writing is you responding theologically and correctly in the context in which you live.

As Afrika puts it, “If you’re faithful to what God wants you to do, he might be the one that promotes what you write and make it popular, if that’s what he wants; but you’re not the one who has to seek for that. You have to seek to be faithful to God and let him do the rest in terms of what he wants to do with your material.”

There are very real, often unaddressed, and peculiar issues facing the Christian faith on our continent. If you desire to serve the church by writing then look around you and figure out what those are; then pick up your Bible and learn what God has to say about them.

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Date: 22 April 2023

Location: Academy of Theology 2023 Christian Writing Conference, Christ Church Midrand, Johannesburg, South Africa
