I am one of those people who live in their head. I’m constantly thinking, usually overthinking. When I was a kid, I’d divide my thoughts into two voices and have discussions with myself. I even gave a name to the other voice in my head: Nickie. Sounds crazy, doesn’t it? But to me, it made sense. I considered the other voice my conscience or the voice of reason. If you’re wondering why on earth this matters, keep reading; you’ll see soon enough.
My Own Journey in Discerning the Spirit’s Voice
Throughout my Christian journey, I’ve had different ways of relating to the Holy Spirit. First was feeling his presence. But I lacked knowledge about who the Holy Spirit is. Then, I started getting into Bible learning but neglected his presence in the process. Then, I went back to feeling the Spirit’s presence, always thinking I was being prompted by him, with a sprinkling of Bible knowledge on hand. Here, I thought I was in a better place. However, something crucial hadn’t sunk in just yet. For all my so-called spirituality, I still couldn’t articulate who the Holy Spirit is.
The Holy Spirit will never say anything that is contrary to the word of God.
I don’t doubt the validity of my then relationship with the Holy Spirit. However, there’s a very real danger in what I’ve described. If you haven’t spotted it so far, here it is. As I mentioned earlier, I have a pretty imaginative mind. When I felt that I had a relationship with the Holy Spirit, how was I to know whose voice I was listening to? To what extent was it my own thoughts, that second voice inside my head? If I was listening to that voice all the while claiming it was the Spirit, I could basically do whatever I wanted, claiming that God told me to.
Then, I had a discussion with my sister-in-law about the Holy Spirit. She said, “The Holy Spirit will never say anything that is contrary to the word of God. Ever! If he seems to, that isn’t the Holy Spirit.” Of course, the light bulb moment. Those words were so much more than an explanation. They touched on every one of my interactions with the Holy Spirit; and also with sermons or worship music; with everything. If I ever needed the motivation to run to the word of God, which is the Bible, it was this.
Spirit Led or Deceived and Misled?
This doesn’t seem like such a big deal until you realise how much deception is in the world—and sadly, also in the church. It’s all around us. Not so long ago, I saw an X post (formerly Twitter) about 100 church members who were found dead after their pastor instructed them to starve to death in order to see Jesus. Stories like this aren’t even that rare, but they are everywhere. Another pastor feeds his congregation grass. Elsewhere, some self-proclaimed prophet sleeps with the women in the church in front of the congregation. True stories!
This manipulation and abuse both thrive in the void in our hearts. In our desperation for more fulfilment and greater connection with a higher power, we endanger ourselves by swallowing all kinds of spiritual teaching without discernment. Searching for the Holy Spirit or a “more real” experience of God, we ignore or simply abandon what God has actually said in his word. If it feels good, or ‘like’ God, so the thinking goes, it must be true. So we search in all the wrong places (Romans 1:25).
Without a growing knowledge of God’s word, we’re left unable to discern between truth and lies.
Without a growing knowledge of God’s word, we’re left unable to discern what is godly or not; between truth and lies; whether we’re listening to the Spirit of God or some other spirit of the world, or a voice in our head. Pertinent to this article is how the Holy Spirit reveals himself in scripture. For in the Bible, we learn about the Spirit’s character and the fruits of his work in us. Taking note of that I worry that many people who believe they’re being led by the Spirit simply aren’t—just as I did for so many years. Africans’ openness to the spiritual has also left many vulnerable to the manipulation and deceit of leaders claiming to work by God’s Spirit.
This is dangerous! Again, those words from my sister all those years back meant so much to me. The Holy Spirit will never say anything contrary to the word of God. Ever. Consider what Jesus said about the Spirit: “The Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you” (John 14:26).
Spiritual Warfare Demands the Spirit’s Truth
We are in a spiritual war. And correct intel is crucial in war. Without it, you’re vulnerable to your enemies. This is true of all things labelled as the Spirit’s leading. It’s a very short step from being open to spiritual things to being misled by the devil. Unwittingly, we can end up on the wrong side of this war. And that’s undoubtedly not a place any Christian wants to find themself. But God hasn’t left us in some unknowing mess, unprotected against spiritual forces. He left us the truth, his word, and the Holy Spirit. It is God’s Word that tells us this truth.
Consider “the armour of God” (Ephesians 6:11). God calls his people to put it on in order to fight against the “spiritual forces of wickedness” (Ephesians 6:12). Making up that armour is the belt of truth. This truth, God’s word, doesn’t depend on our feelings. It’s solid and unchanging.
You cannot engage in spiritual warfare without the word and the Spirit.
From there, we might consider the breastplate of righteousness (Ephesians 6:14). How do we know what righteousness looks like without God’s word to show us? If we’re to be carriers of the gospel of peace (Ephesians 6:15), here we will learn what it is. I could go on. How does one have faith without knowing what that faith is based on? Only by that faith can we “extinguish all of the flaming arrows of the evil one” (Ephesians 6:16). Towards the end of this section, the sword brings it all together. “The Sword of the Spirit, the word of God” (Ephesians 6:17). You cannot properly put on the armour to engage in spiritual warfare without the word and the Spirit.
There Are Many Spirits, Make Sure You’re Listening to God’s
It is a glorious privilege to have a personal relationship with God; with Father, Son and Holy Spirit. However, this relationship is incomplete without the word of God. I can see this as I reflect on my own faith journey. It’s so easy to be led astray when majoring in the spiritual but minoring in the word of God. We must make God’s word our cornerstone, to strongly set up the house against deceit and manipulation. Ask yourself, today, who are you listening to, the Spirit of God in his word or some other spirit?