
We live in a culture that is increasingly asking the question: ‘What is in it for me?’ We want to know that when we come to a sermon we’re going to get something out, ‘How does the resurrection apply to me and my life?’ We want to hear encouragement in a rather depressing world. We don’t just want theology, we want to feel pastored to. Now it’s easy to see the negative side of this and there’s a real danger here. We can easily dismiss and rebuke those who are asking these questions. But I think a good preacher shouldn’t be so quick to do so.

God Speaks Today

One, because you should have your ear to the ground in all situations. Second, and most importantly, though not written directly to us and our specific life situations the Bible is for us. So we need to ask: ‘How does the gospel speak to a depressed mother of two? What encouragement is there for the abandoned child? How do we offer hope to a man who keeps falling into the same habitual sin he hates? What hope is there for a marriage at the verge of breaking?’

The resurrection doesn’t only speak to big theological questions; it is a truth for every day life.

Personally, I believe that the resurrection has tremendous power in answering those questions. For it doesn’t only proclaim the gospel and speak to big theological questions; the resurrection is a truth for everyday life. It’s comfort in this crooked and difficult world, amid discouragement and even despair.

Using 1 Corinthians 15, I want to show how this is true in at least three ways. We’ll see that the resurrection provides assurance, touches very practically on ordinary life circumstances, and promotes sacrificial mission.

1. The Resurrection Addresses Illness, Atrophy, and Death

At any point in our lives we are either sick, know someone who is unwell, or we’re painfully aware that death hovers. These bodies are weak. We can’t go long without food and drink. Right from birth, we need vaccinations to build our immunity. Before we were born our mothers had to swallow supplements to enable our growth in the womb.

A Christian has to learn to long for that heavenly body, even as we care for this one.

We wear decaying bodies. A good Christian has to learn to long for that heavenly body, even as we care for this one that is falling apart. But in all these struggles the hope of the imperishable body that the resurrection of Jesus guarantees is a source of great comfort. Now, every time we feel fatigued or unwell, we don’t need to ignore the inevitable reality. Instead the resurrection hope becomes more vivid. It offers hope that the best medication and hardest gym sessions never will. It reminds me that I’m falling apart even when I’m young, but that’s not a totally bad thing. You know why? Because I’m getting even closer to my heavenly body (1 Corinthians 15:42-44).

2. The Resurrection Speaks To Our Mundane Lives

Life is not always exciting. The cycle of Monday to Friday is sometimes boring. Perhaps that’s why we try hard to escape it. Even in gospel ministry, things aren’t always grand. We don’t always have people lining up to ask: ‘What must I do to be born again?’ Sometimes even when we’re doing what we love we have days when we ask deep life questions, wondering what difference any of it makes.

Sometimes we are stuck in jobs we don’t like, with people we would rather not be with, and doing things we care less about. Relationships can feel more forced than desired, projects too. Life becomes mundane, even when we are ‘living the dream’. I apologise for this negative energy. And I wish I can tell you that when you finally get what you desire most you’ll be satisfied. But that’s rarely the case.

The resurrection deals with my fear of a wasted life that ends in death.

But the resurrection deals with my fear of a wasted life that ends in death. It deals with my worry of dying having not achieved my wildest dreams. It also deals with that feeling of being stuck in a life I never wanted. The resurrection might not get you out of the job you don’t like, but it tells you that you are only there for a short while. When you think about the resurrection you realise this is not our best life now and we shouldn’t try make it that. No, this is but a drop in the ocean of the centuries that await us in heaven.

The resurrection gives us energy to work while it’s still day. Not merely slogging it out, but to giving ourselves fully in difficult situations for gospel reasons (1 Corinthians 15:58). It says, perhaps, you shouldn’t quit just yet. Maybe there’s something you can do there with lasting effects. You shouldn’t be worried too much if you are not the most popular guy in college. You are not missing out on what really matters. The best is yet to come.

3. The Resurrection Motivates Personal Evangelism

We all know we should be evangelising more. You probably already feel guilty about not doing enough evangelism, so I don’t need to beat you up about it. Personal evangelism is hard in a culture that promotes personal space and looks down on any kind of proselytising. But it’s even harder if we forget the reason why it’s important: all of us are only here for a short while. Evangelism drops down our list of priorities when we are caught up in the here and now. This is made worse when we think our audience already have all they will ever need in life.

The hope of resurrection reminds us why everyone needs to hear the message of the gospel.

The hope of resurrection reminds us why everyone needs to hear the message of the gospel, however well they might be doing right now. It encourages us when we feel discouraged and on the verge of giving up. It makes the news we proclaim something we can’t wait to share. And when it seems like nothing much is happening, the resurrection reminds us it’s not all in vain. We might not see the results now, but imagine meeting that guy who reluctantly listened to you sharing the gospel in heaven! Imagine seeing that friend you prayed for every day, while holding to the hope of resurrection. Imagine your family members joining the eternal family of God! Isn’t that worth every toil?

A New Perspective For All Of Life

The death and resurrection of Jesus is the foundation of our faith. We have no church, no Christianity, and no great commission without them. But these are not truths to be tucked away, only taught to young people or at a new believers’ class. No, these are truths the saints need to reflect on regularly to inform our daily lives in this temporal home.

The resurrection gives strength in our weakness and meaning to our mundane lives.

We especially need to reflect on the resurrection of Jesus to give us perspective for what lies ahead. Such reflection gives us strength in our weakness, meaning in our mundane lives, and a reason to reach others with the gospel. Take time this Easter to reflect on how it can change your life, then keep reflecting on this beautiful truth for your earthly years to come.
