Biblical leadership is vital. It has been from the very beginning. The success of any institution in faithfully fulfilling its purpose, be it the home, the church, organisations, or nations are directly connected to the kind of leader(s) they have. It is, therefore, no surprise that leadership has always been under attack. Sometimes it is sadly abused by those entrusted with it, or it is undermined by those threatened by it. Either way, the devil and the world understand the significance of leadership, hence the systematic and deliberate effort to attack it.
To lead is to be responsible for a task and for a people.
At this point, we have to ask the question, what is biblical leadership? Leadership can be summed up in two words, responsibility and influence. To lead is to be responsible for a task and for a people, and to skillfully wield godly influence on those under your care. In responsibility, the leader is held accountable for the state and direction of the people they are leading. In other words, they are to blame when the institution fails.
The first couple is a good case in point. When the Lord evaluated the situation, he found Adam guilty because he was the leader, the head of his wife. So, to lead is firstly to be responsible. Secondly, to lead is to influence those under our care for God. Our godly character must have a lasting impact on them, but it also means we are intentionally teaching them the truth of God’s word that we know and live out. To lead is to be responsible and influential.
Like the World, the Church Desperately Needs Godly Leaders
It, therefore, goes without saying that leadership is not primarily a title or a position. There are many instances in the home, the church, and government where the one who has the title is not the one leading because they are irresponsible and do not wield the influence they should. Furthermore, leadership is not about being served and enjoying the benefits of the position. It is common for people to think if they become the head everyone else exists to do their bidding. That is not biblical leadership.
Leadership is not about being served and enjoying the benefits of the position.
In God’s design, men are called to be leaders (i.e. be responsible and exert godly influence) in the home and in the church. It is, therefore, imperative that men strive to be godly and responsible. Society has been working hard to undermine the leadership of men but also to undo the virtues in them that are necessary for leadership. Allow me to highlight four kinds of men commonly found in the church and in our society.
Four Types of Leadership
1. All Talk, No Action
These are the daydreamers. They do not have plans but wishes. They love unending meetings and discussions, making resolutions yearly only to remake them the following year. These leaders make grand promises and vows but never fulfil them. If they went by what they say, they would transform their families and beyond.
Alas, as someone once said, “the road to hell is paved with men with good intentions.” The grave is full of people who had great ideas, plans and desires but never acted on them. These men die at 50 with the potential they had at 20. They talk but never act and end up frustrating the people they lead.
2. All Action, No Talk
Then you have the doers. The lone ranger with the master plan. They do not share ideas or plans. They do not solicit feedback or input. Those they lead simply see things are getting done. They do not know how or why.
This kind of leader feels it is their job to do things and do them by themselves. They move alone and ahead and leave the people they are leading behind. There is a distinct lack of investment in the people they lead. They do not train or disciple, hence when they die or leave, no one knows where to start from and the family, ministry or organisation crumbles because they never communicated and shared their plans.
3. No Talk, No Action
Then we have those who somehow manage to combine the two.
They do not talk and they do not act. They’re passive and aloof. They have no plans or visions and they have no drive. This is seen in the single young man who never states his intentions to a girl but is content with chatting with her daily on social media. It is also seen in the husband and father who is glued to the TV and his gadgets while he watches his family go astray. It is further seen in church leaders who are reactive and not proactive. In addition, it is seen in civic leaders with no stated vision or plan.
4. All Talk and All Action
That is leadership! Taking responsibility and wielding godly influence.
Not so for the biblical leader. He’s responsible. He takes initiative and ownership, communicating the vision and plan. He gets input and feedback from the teammates, whether it’s a spouse, fellow leaders or workmates. But he does not end there, he is driven and committed to getting things done and targets met. There is talk and implementation. Nehemiah is an example of such a leader. He prayed, had a plan, shared the plan and got into action. That is leadership! Taking responsibility and wielding godly influence.
Dear Christian men, rise up! Stand up for Jesus. Put on the gospel armour. Take responsibility and influence the world for Christ.