
Isn’t Christianity Just Another Way To God?

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“So, is Christianity not just another way to God?

Several Beliefs Claim To Be A Way To God

The short answer would be yes, and no. Yes, because it’s not the only one that claims to be a path to God. Islam claims to be a path to God. Some African Traditional Religions that would believe in one supreme God say that is the path to God. So, in that regard, Christianity’s claim to be a way to God is just another claim, yes.

However, if we are talking about the God that is revealed in the Bible – the God that comes through the person of Jesus Christ – then it is the only way to God.

Jesus Says He Is The Only One

Jesus says “No one comes to the father except by me.”

Jesus himself says that, “I am the way, the truth and the life.” And then he says, “No one comes to the father except by me” (John 14:6). He states that he is the one, but then, he also says there are no other exceptions.

3 Issues With ‘All Paths Lead to God’

Now, some would say that, maybe this is arrogant, this is a bit bigoted, and this is rather a stupendous claim. That, really, I prefer a religion that says that all other religions have different paths to God.

You have created a new religion, and it’s an exclusive religion

Now let me sat three things to that.

1. The Exclusivity of Inclusiveness

The first is that you have created a new religion, and it’s an exclusive religion. It’s a religion that says that any claim that says there is one path to God is excluded. So, you are doing the same thing Christianity is doing – be it in a different way.

2. Where Do You Draw The Line?

The second is that, don’t forget, other religions also claim that. So, are we now going to say everyone is bigoted?

3. Is Truth Not More Important Than Diversity?

We want to know whether it’s going to work or not… Not whether it’s diverse or not

And then the third thing is that, look, it doesn’t really matter whether it’s saying that it’s one way or not. Just imagine a doctor who says, “I have three malaria patients and I’m going to offer anti-malarial drugs, multi-vitamins, and anti-retro-viral drugs. And then we celebrate him for his diversity, for giving different drugs to patients with the same ailment.

No, we want to know whether it’s going to work or not. And it’s the same thing with the path to God, is it true or not? Not whether it’s diverse or not.