
Our world is full of fake news and fake gospels. God also has a gospel, which is the true gospel. The gospel is the revolutionary announcement: Jesus is King. This announcement is rooted in the one God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, who know, love, and glorify each other. This God created all things, both visible and invisible, and is therefore worthy of all glory and adoration. This God has spoken through His Son and the written word, both the Old and New Testament.

The King of the Nations

This same God created human beings, both male and female. Tragically they rebelled against him and became both alienated from God and corrupted in every aspect of their being.

The gospel is God’s rescue plan to save his people by his Son.

From all eternity God determined in grace to rescue a people for himself from every tribe, language, people, and nation (Revelation 7:9). The gospel is God’s rescue plan to save his people by his Son. For the Son is Saviour, Lord, and King.

The King of Victory

This King was anticipated in the Old Testament Scriptures and came to earth in space and time. This conquering King vanquished sin, death and Satan on the cross and in his resurrection. In his death and resurrection, he defeated the cosmic powers and spiritual forces of evil.

In his death and resurrection, Jesus defeated the spiritual forces of evil.

This King is the one and only mediator between man and God who on the cross acted as our full and final substitute to quench the wrath of God; a King without sin who bore the penalty of our sins and thereby reconciled God to his people; a King who justifies his people solely by grace through faith and not by their works.

The Kingdom Established

This King invades the lives of his followers by his Spirit, a sovereign Spirit who saves those who repent and believe. This King gathers his followers into a new community in order that they may be his witnesses in word and deed. He spurs his subjects on to establish his kingdom throughout the world by being salt and light in every arena of life. Having physically ascended into heaven, this King will return as the final judge and consummate his kingdom in a new heaven and new earth.

Jesus calls on all people everywhere to lay down their arms in surrender.

God has spoken these words in the Gospels and calls on his disciples to proclaim this same kingdom in the same way. This King calls on all people everywhere to lay down their arms in surrender and to both repent and believe. Have you done so? If not now, when?

Editors’ note: 

This is a multiple language article. You can read it in Swahili here and in Shona here.
